
Corner of Eyes & Mouth Facial Patches for Wrinkles


Only 3 in stock!


  • Mechanically softens expression lines
  • Vegetable starch based adhesive
  • Unbleached paper

Lines around the eyes start as dry skin that loses its' elasticity and progress to creases in the muscles at the corner of the eyes.

If you see wrinkles starting to appear at the corners of your eyes be proactive; moisturize religiously and smooth the skin with Frownies Corner of Eyes and Mouth Facial Patch*. Before crow's feet become deep stop them with anti-wrinkle FROWNIES' Facial Patch.

To Use: Moisten patch with water, toner, or a hydrosol. Gently rub the area to increase circulation before placing the patch on skin. Leave on for at least three hours. Wet the patch to loosen the adhesive before removing.

Recommended For: Those looking to soften lines on the corners of the eyes and mouth.


  • The deeper the line the more commitment it takes to wearing the patch every night for at least 30 nights.
  • Start using Frownies as soon as you are concern and you may be able to reduce the wrinkle using the patch 3-4 nights a week, and stop the progressive depth*.
  • Always keep this area hydrated well with Immune Perféct before applying the corner of mouth patch. *
  • Do not apply under the eyes or inside the eye socket. Do not apply over brow or in hairline.

Size: 144 facial patches per box.

Ingredients: Natural Weighted Unbleached Craft Paper, Dextrin (Corn) based adhesive.

The paper is unbleached and colored to create a specific weight. The paper also allows the skin to breathe and maintain its normal restoration at night while you sleep. Paper can also be cut and tailored to your specific shape and needs. We have tested a variety of materials and paper is the safest and healthiest for the skin on the face. Dextrin based adhesive is hypo allergenic, Non- GMO,and has been used by many gluten sensitive people. If you have sensitive skin we recommend you test the patch on your wrist the first night to see if your skin reacts in any way.

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